Is your home in crisis?

We help Anabaptists respond faithfully to domestic abuse.

Attend Our 4th Annual Seminar

October 25–26, 2024

Our Mission

LifeRing Christian Ministries shares the hope of the Gospel with individuals and families broken by domestic violence in Anabaptist settings. 

Working from a two-kingdom Anabaptist theological framework, we seek to connect Anabaptists to resources and coaching in the following areas:

Church Leaders

Support leaders in confronting oppression, protecting the oppressed, and discipling hurting families toward godly maturity.


Warn domestic abusers of God's mercy and severity, and encourage them toward true repentance, accountability, and a new way of life.


Guide victims of domestic violence toward freedom and hope in Jesus, and help them regain their voice and agency as God's beloved children.

Does domestic abuse really happen in Anabaptist churches?

Temptation and sin affect people in every culture, including historic peace churches. Domestic abuse is a deceptive sin, wearing many pious disguises. So unless we know what to look for, we can miss it even when it's right in front of us. 

At LifeRing Ministries, we believe Anabaptist churches should be the safest places on the planet.

Anabaptists do not need new tools to recognize and confront the sin of domestic abuse. We simply need to recover and faithfully apply the Gospel truths that have been part of our peace tradition from the beginning.

Will you help us turn the tide?
